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Jeff Blair
President/CEO, Green Point Ag
(former President, Plant Nutrients at The Andersons)

I can’t recommend Tony enough. Tony and I worked together for a number of years while he served as CTO at The Andersons. Over that time, Tony helped transform the IT department, bringing a customer-focused approach that helped shift it from a “keep the lights on” department to one helping us drive innovation and improved customer experience. I saw IT as a true partner in our efforts to improve the business, something that was far different from other places I’ve worked. Tony’s leadership style played a key role in this. Tony’s easy-going and collaborative approach belies a strong determination to get things done on a set schedule and budget. We moved from “we’re working on it” to standardized progress meetings where we could provide direct feedback and reset priorities as the business needs shifted. So if you’re looking for a good example of strategic IT leadership, Tony’s the right person. I believe he’d be a valuable resource for any company who needs help figuring out how to improve its technology function.

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